Prof. Armin Trost
Professor Trost has since many years been regarded as one of the best-known and leading thought leaders in human resources management. He has been teaching and researching at the Business School of Furtwangen University in Germany since 2005. For many years, he has successfully advised companies of all sizes and industries on strategic human resource management issues. Dr. Armin Trost is not only known as an author of numerous articles and books, but also as an internationally sought-after speaker at renowned congresses. He recently published the game changing book “Human Resources Strategies. Balancing Stability and Agility in Times of Digitization”.
29th of October Day 2 - Main Track
Leadership in Times of Uncertainty
Agile leadership and organization has always been an answer to uncertainty, complexity and speed. On top of the already existing uncertainty came the Corona-crisis adding even more uncertainty on all levels. Some call for strong leadership and guidance demonstrated by a strong authority. Some call for even more self-organization, trust and freedom to act. Already existing dilemmas became even more visible and have been amplified. In this keynote a few hypotheses will be outlined on how the Corona-crisis might affect the way we lead and collaborate in the future.